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2012: Day 2

First post of 2012!

I hope you've all had a wonderful start to the year.  We spent New Year's Eve with my close and extended family alike.  Had a fantastic dinner at my mom's and then spent the next day on the sofa with a good book dipping in and out of sleep.  I've slept so much these past few days which means I must have needed it...

First day of 2012. PJs and a good book.

Since I started blogging back in May I've been on the lookout for a good photo challenge.  Having also recently downloaded Instagram I am 100% smitten.  I finally found a challenge in the form of Bluebird's January Photo a Day Challenge.  Just tweet a photo a day with the tag #janphotoaday.  I'll be interested to see what your Januarys look like!

I hope the new year brings you everything you hope for.  Above all, I hope it's full of love, laughter and health!


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