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The Tropics

So many blogs are posting about the Spring and how it's nearly here and what fashions and colours we should be wearing to welcome it in.

But all I can think about is heading off to somewhere that looks remotely like the above to escape this biting cold that's taken over Athens.

In other news, the Golden Globe Awards are on tomorrow.  Will you be watching? I am on tenterhooks!

Hope you're all having a lovely Saturday!  P.S. Have you had your five a day yet? Hop to it!


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  1. Lovely. We'd love to be there too...sigh.

    Minted Magazine

  2. Ωωω και δεν θα έδινα για λίγες διακοπές σε ένα τέτοιο μέρος, πόσο μάλλον τώρα που έχω εξεταστική! *.* Τι ωραίο μπλογκ, βγαζει μια πολύ ζεστή αύρα θα έλεγα, τύπου ήρθα στην φίλη μου για καφέ! Ακολουθώ φυσικά, μέσω μπλογκλόβιν!! (όχι όμως στο γκουγκλ φρέντς, το έχω πάρει με κακό μάτι :D)

  3. That is a gorgeous photo! I'd love to be there too, it's so rainy here!

  4. ummm, yes! I'm long overdue for a vaca.. here in NYC we haven't seen a drop of snow since October, but it's quite frigid right now - so who knows.. it's nice to dream though :-)



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