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Maria Loves...


 So yeah, it's COLD.  It's snowed in Central Athens and temperatures have often plunged to minus figures.  Times are tough.  But most of us are lucky enough to have a roof over our heads and a nice comfy bed to slip into at night.  It's times like these that really get me thinking about the homeless. 

Where do they go when the weather gets like this?! I can't even begin to fathom what it would be like to sleep outdoors on the street.

I guess this is a call to those of you who happen to see someone living in the streets to urge you to get in touch with your local authorities.  Most councils will have facilities set up to help these people.

On a brighter note, some lovely links that I've been liking and loving...

I'm having a serious coloured jeans moment and these Uniqlo colour skinny tapered jeans are right up my street.

It's the season of the persistent cold and I like nothing more than a natural remedy. This Manuka Honey may just do the trick.  Germ-fighting and delicious!

One of my all-time favourite bloggers, Sarah Von at Yes and Yes has started her Winter Survival Series "30 days of sanity-saving fun, dropped in your inbox every morning".  Won't you join?

In other news, I've been wearing my mango and papaya flavoured Hawaiin Tropic moisturising lipgloss to trick my lips into thinking it's summer.  I dunno, it's something - and it's kinda working.



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