For now...
What a week! I return from an arctic London to an equally arctic Athens. What is the world coming to?! I had a fantastic time as always and London has maintained it's place in my heart as one of my most favourite cities. I am in love.
I also made a few realizations along the way...
* Meryl Streep is divine * Things are never as bad as you fear * Always be grateful for things people do for you * M&M World is pointless * Woman in Black is a darn SCARY film * The Artist deserves all of its awards * I love snow * I miss London * Living on top of a pub is awesome * M&S always have PERFECT fruit * Many people can be selfish - Get over it * I don't mind not celebrating Valentine's Day * I love my husband that little bit more when he's engrossed in a good book * Head straight to the gate when you're travelling with Easyjet * The Asprey store is WAY too crowded when they're hosting Nominees' Parties * Being on the red carpet will always be surreal *
Will my 4th BAFTA be my last? Only time will tell!
Wishing you all warmth and light this weekend!