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10 Things: Sarah of Yes and Yes

As soon as you lay eyes on the Yes and Yes blog, you know exactly what you're getting.  Sarah is a 100% grab-the-bull-by-the-horns kinda gal and there's no stopping her positive attitude rubbing off on you the more you read.  She's got one killer bucket list to get through before her next birthday and her self-designed re-purposeable calendar will get you planning a list of your very own.  In fact, today is 'Buy a Ridiculous Pair of Slippers' Day.  I'm off to get mine now.

Get ready to start saying Yes...

After burning out on her jobs in marketing, advertising and event planning, Sarah Von Bargen sold her worldly belongs and moved to Taiwan to teach English.  And then she moved to New Zealand.  And then she traveled for ten months by herself.  Somewhere along the way she earned an M.A. and started a blog that's now read by 10,000+ people every day and supports her and her traveling ways.  And yes, she's just as amazed by the whole thing as you are.

10 things I love about myself
Though I certainly have many a personal flaw (bad eyesight! impatient! epic powers of procrastination!) there are lots of awesome things about me as well.  Here are ten things I love about myself.

1.  My ability to choose awesome friends and maintain friendships across time and space
I met my closest friend in fifth grade and we've maintained our ridiculously close friendship for twenty years, across time zones and international date lines.  Half of my closest friends don't even live in the same country as me - but we keep up to date via email, Facebook and Skype.  I know that I can land in Vancouver/Sydney/Belfast and pick right up with my ladies where we left off a few years ago.

2.  My thick strawberry blond hair

At least once a month, someone asks me if it's real.  And it is!  Thanks, DNA!  Thanks, Grandpa Von Bargen!

3.  My ability to make things happen
My drive and tenacity are verging on robot-like and sometimes I wish I could turn them off.  What self-employed person gets up at 6:00 am without an alarm clock to start working?!  I can't change it, so I might as well embrace it.  And that work ethic has gotten me through 28 countries, a Master's Degree and self-employment, so I guess it's working out alright.

4. My neat, tiny hands 
They're oddly androgynous and really, really tiny.  But they look capable and sweet and they totally get things done.

5.  My gift-giving abilities
I will give you the thing you didn't know you wanted.  Or that you mentioned once, in passing, two years ago.  Or that pertains to our awesome inside joke.  Watch out, birthday.  It's gonna be great.

6. My memory It's a steel trap, almost awkwardly so.  I'll meet you once, have a five-minute conversation with you and then remember all of that information when I see you again, three months later.  You, on the other hand, probably won't recognize me when I'm all "Karen!  How's the personal training business going?  And how was your trip to Seattle?"  But even if it makes me seem like an over-interested weirdo, I'm glad that I can remember just about anything.

7. My lips
They're big and they're real.

8. My intuition
99% of the time it's right.  If I get the feeling you're lying to me, I'm probably right.  If I think you're into me, I'm probably right.  If I think there is, in fact, a left over slice of pizza in the fridge, I'm probably right.

9. My butt
It's big and round enough to be cute, but not so big and round that it's hard to find pants.  It's just right!

10.  My dancing skills
I have an extensive repertoire of moves and I will use them right here, right now, dead sober, in the middle of this living room if you turn on some DJ 


Thanks so much for taking part Sarah!

You can follow Sarah on Bloglovin and Twitter