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10 Things: Hope of Hope in High Heels

Moving from Melbourne to New York City is one big move! Hope in High Heels is almost like a love letter to New York.  Gorgeous and with impeccable style, Hope writes about the move to big city and all the wonderful things she's discovered along the way.  She's just returned to NYC after a short spell back in Australia where it appears she never left home without her camera.  Her photos are absolutely breathtaking and they'll make you wish for the summertime again.

Let's hear it for Hope!

 I could rattle off a list of 10 things I want to change about myself in a matter of seconds. But a list of the 10 things I love about myself… well, that took days. I thought about calling in reinforcements - my mum and husband perhaps? But I quickly discarded that notion as it may would have gone against the spirit of this wonderful exercise that the lovely Maria has set for us. So I started thinking… and thinking… and thinking some more, and here's what I came up with:

A ready smile that lights up my face An insatiable curiosity about the world around me Deep loyalty to the people I love Find happiness in the small things in life Cool under pressure Eager to try new things Believe the best in people Enthusiastically and whole-heartedly throw myself into whatever I'm doing Never sweat the small stuff I make my own fun

Thank you gorgeous Maria for the opportunity to write on your lovely blog! Now payback time… what does your list look like?!

From New York, with love xox 

Thanks so much for taking part Hope!

You can follow Hope on Bloglovin and Twitter