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10 Things: Anne of Modern Mrs Darcy

To start off the series of '10 Things I Love About Myself', I got in touch with Anne of Modern Mrs. Darcy to share her lovely list.   I first came across her blog because I am in love with all things Austen.  Anne writes beautifully and intelligently about good books, family life and what it means to be an accomplished woman today.

Take it away Anne!

Listing the things I love about myself isn't easy to do...because most of those things have a corresponding "thing I'd rather avoid" side to go with them! But after 30-something years of living in my skin, I've truly grown fond of some of the deep (and shallow) parts of myself, the things that make me truly "me." Like...

my interest in absolutely everything bare fingernails that get mistaken for a french manicure deep wells of empathy super-long arms to reach the very top shelf well-honed coffee-making skills eagerness to give people the benefit of the doubt geeky reference book love the color of my eyes when I wear blue that I'm getting funnier every year  boundless, goofy enthusiasm about my big ideas (and yours)


Thanks so much for taking part Anne
 You can follow Anne on Bloglovin and Twitter