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Maria Loves...Edible Glitter and New York

Glitter New York.

I was meant to post this yesterday but life and chocolates got in the way.  Without further ado here are my favourite web finds from this week:

The start of a new year and the start of a whole load of promises to oneself to get and stay fit.  This New York Times Health Blog might just be the thing to keep you motivated.

I've been happily married for about 4 months now and to keep the happiness going I plan to continue implementing these 12 Most Essential Principles for a Long and Happy Marriage.

I'm on my 9th day without coffee (woohoo me!) but for those of you still drinking it, check out this pretty Infographic Print for Tracking Your Coffee Consumption Data.

I am determined to become more crafty and as such may make this handmade ethnic clutch my first project.

Pugly Pixel has been giving out some awesome desktop calendar wallpapers that she's designed herself.

I seriously need to track me down some edible glitter and make this and this with it. post regularly about one subject in such depth that you become an instant expert.  The first subject I read about was chocolate; naturally.  They've only been up and running a few months but already they have a Best of 2011 post.  A great introduction to what should be the start of a truly educating read.

New York Diaries: 1609 to 2009 is a collection of diary entries from people living in the city (including the likes of Andy Warhol) for every day of the year over four centuries. Blast into the past.

I'm truly loving all the cinema coming out of Greece during such a tumultuous time.  Films like Dogtooth and Attenberg last year have paved the way for what is being hailed as the Greek New Wave.  Watch the teaser trailer for Babis Makridis' L which will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival this month.

If you're trying to detox why not try the Whole Living 2012 Detox Action Plan.

New York Diaries: 1609 to 2009 (Modern Library)
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!


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