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Jan Photo a Day Challenge: Week 2

Snowcapped mountains and all that jazz.

It's actually quite fun to look back on the pics that have defined my week.  It's so easy to forget the recent past.  Looking back, it was a quite a successful one.  We signed a lease on a new apartment, bought paint samples to try on the walls, went out for burgers and frozen yoghurt with my sis and mom and I took a bike ride with my sister's dog.

I also forgot to take Day 11 of my January Photo a Day Challenge. WOOPS!  Better luck next time.

Follow me on Instagram here.

Day 9.  I started re-reading The Happiness Project

Day 10.  My sister's dog Poppy at the dinner table

Day 12.  Snow-capped mountains in Athens, Greece

Day 13.  It's Friday and Poppy's in a basket

Day 14. Frozen yoghurt on a cold Saturday afternoon

Day. 15  Happiness is testing out colours on our new rented walls.

Hope you've had a good week!

And if you haven't had your 8 glasses of water yet, I dare you to down 2 glasses right now.  You'll be a quarter of the way there. Woo hoo!


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