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Giving Up

I decided to make a rather rash decision yesterday.

Photo taken by Me

If someone were to ask me what my favourite things are in the whole wide world, COFFEE would be somewhere at the very top of that list.  The heat, the milkiness, the smell...the caffeine.  Perfection in a mug.

As much as I look forward to that first cup in the morning, I have come to the horrid realisation that caffeinated coffee is not. good. for. me.  Maybe I'm getting older, maybe I just can't handle my caffeine any more but I've noticed a pattern whereby about 20mins after I finish the cup I start to feel very very anxious, stressed and restless.  A tightness in my chest overcomes me and I start getting crabby with those around me.  This is no way to be.  

So this is it.  Enough is enough and I'm cutting it out.

This is me announcing it to the world.  This is me holding myself accountable.  You are my witnesses and you will help me get through this.

Now to stock up on some caffeine-free herbal teas.

Have you ever given something up that you love? Was it just as hard?


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