Yep, there's another bean on the way! Henry's going to be a big brother! I can't imagine him being a big anything but, yep, it's happening!
I always wanted my kids to be close in age, one reason being I want to try and recreate the relationship I have with my sister (we're only 18 months apart). So as soon as my doctor gave us the ok, I knew we would start trying right away. Much like the first time around, I never expected it to happen so quickly! I fell pregnant when Henry was about 5 months old. Having kids with only a 14.5 month age gap just sounds crazy to me. But so exciting too!
I also like the idea of going through the baby years all in one go. It's going to be tough with two under two for the first couple of years - gosh, I know that - but after those first few years, I'll be able to throw myself right back into my career and into trying to get my body back to looking somewhat like what it used to. I'm not going to complain. I don't think I've actually had it THAT bad as far as my body is concerned. I think my boobs still look great (even though they do look like someone else's boobs entirely which is something I had to get used to), I haven't spotted any stretch marks and the baby weight was slowly but surely falling off.
But, now, that's all changing! I don't need to worry about losing the weight just yet and I can bask in the happiness that is pregnancy once again. I loved being pregnant and I just hope that this pregnancy is as good as my first one. So far, so good! Actually - even better. I had nowhere near the amount of nausea this time around as I had with Henry. Let's see how the rest of it goes...
We had our 13 week ultrasound today, and I was really hoping they would be able to tell the sex. The technician did have his initial suspicions but I won't share those just yet...
Yet another thing to look forward to!

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