On June 8, you turned 3 months old. I'll
never tire of saying it: I can't believe how much you've grown! The
biggest changes so far have occurred between weeks 11
and 12. You now reach out and grab hold of things - my phone, my
fingers, my hair, your bottle, your crinkly book, the white tiger in
your play pen that plays its jungle theme. You've had the best tummy
time I've seen so far, lifting your shoulders and upper back so so high,
looking up to see the world with your big, round, brown eyes. I was so
proud of you!
You're also so close to rolling over, swinging your legs from side to side, stretching them straight out and lifting them off the ground (so cute!). You may not be rolling over yet, but you are turning yourself round 180 degrees in your play pen. I'll leave you facing one direction and find you facing the other way! You little wriggler!
You're such a little motor mouth too, blabbing away to anyone who'll listen. Sometimes, you don't even need an audience. I'll often wake up to hear you jabbering away on your own, so happily. And then when I get up to lift you out of your crib, you'll flash me your biggest, sweetest, happiest smile. You sure know how to make a girl's heart melt, you little flirt. And when words aren't enough, blowing a raspberry helps you get your point across. And boy, do you like getting your point across.
Your little face is no longer that of a newborn (SOB!). Your perfect little features are slowly finding their way in the world. Sometimes, I forget how young you are because you have such a grown up, knowing face. But then I look down at the cutest little toes and footsies I've ever seen and I'm reminded how small you still are. My little bean. When we gave you a bath yesterday, you couldn't stop splish splashing with your feet. Oh, how you loved it!
My most surprised, proudest moment yet was when you played with mommy's phone, tapping away at the screen to make the Fisher Price toys giggle. You're so clever! We have a video of it somewhere. It's worth a watch!
It's been a busy month for you. You had your first vaccine (which went really well). We thought you may have had a fever from it, but I think you were alright in the end. You met your cousin Bethany. You had your first passport photos taken (you kinda look like a mad scientist with all that hair - it doesn't even fit in the shot!) and your first trip to visit your grandpa and grandma in Aegina. You can see photos from that trip here. You finished your 3rd month off with a bang by laughing for the first time! It was on your actual 3 month birthday when your great auntie was playing with you, lifting you up in the air and blowing raspberries into your belly when we first heard your giggle. It was stupendous - and we hope to hear it a lot more!
These pictures were taken during Mother's Day this year, when cousin Bethany was also visiting. Such lovely pics of you with grandma and grandpa.
You make us such proud parents and we'll always be grateful to you for that.
I love you, little bean.
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