...and 3 bags of microwave popcorn.
This weekend the Hubby and I watched a grand total of 6 movies. We just inadvertently went on a crazy movie marathon! Once we finished one we were like, 'So, what should we watch next?'. It was the most fun we've had in ages. I seriously can't think of a much better way to spend a weekend....
The films we watched in their order of viewing:
Really not as funny as everyone made it out to be. Although, I did love watching an RV American road trip as that's what we're planning for our honeymoon. Also great to see pretty much half the cast of Arrested Development in this. They were definitely the highlights.
This documentary (narrated by Matt Damon) about the financial crisis will have you tearing your hair out, cursing at your screen and spitting blood. I have never been angrier at a moving image. The truth behind the head honchos of the investment banks knowingly screwing over innocent people in order to make MASSIVE bucks is disgusting, criminal and 100% daylight robbery.
Woody Allen at his absolute best. The portrayal of his and Annie's relationship is so endearing, amusing and so true to life that you'll think this man is a genius. New York, of course, also features in all of its romanticised goodness. A really good watch. And hands down best cameo ever by Jeff Goldblum!
I put Annie Hall on pause for a little bit to go and shower, only to leave it on pause for so long that the DVD player switched off and the TV went back to normal channels. This was on and I'd never seen it before. We got sucked in, much to the behest of the hubby, and we watched it through to the end. Meh. Jennifer Coolidge was the highlight for me cos I'm, like, her number one fan!
Well, it's only fair that we balance the female-skewed viewings with more manly ones. We started watching this once before and I'd fallen asleep so this was my second attempt. It's a western. That alone will put me off. I stuck through to the end. I didn't understand half of what was going on/being said but I did come to the conclusion that Hailee Steinfield is AMAZING.
Again, one I'd never seen before (I KNOW! Can you believe it?!). The hubby has been nagging me to see it for so long because it is completely and utterly unacceptable for me to call myself a movie buff and not have watched this film. And so I gave in. I was a bit hesitant at first to get drawn into it's undeniable spell. I know SO many girls who rave about this film because they want to BE Holly Golightly. I DO NOT want to be Holly Golightly. At first, she annoyed the heck out of me! I could not relate to her in any way. But before I knew it, I was very very close to bawling my eyes out into my popcorn. I was, indeed, completely and truly bowled over. The 60s charm alone had me at hello and really, she's not so bad after all. If not stupidly skinny.
So there you have it. Our movie marathon. Did you watch any interesting flicks this weekend?