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10 Things I'm Grateful For..

In our new home.

      1.  Space.  Having our own little bit of it!  After living in the loft of my parents’ home for
      7 months it’s such a breath of fresh air (lliterally) to be away from my mom’s cigarette smoke!  Although we will undoubtedly miss her cooking. 

2.  Birds.  We can hear them chirping all day long.  It feels like spring no matter the weather! 

Our cosy living room
       3.  Ground Floor.   This does mean that we’re level with the cars which can be super  duper annoying but it also means that we have crazy foliage outside our windows and our very own (big) outdoor space.  Can’t wait to tend to flowers and herb pots.     

       4.  No internet.  For another two weeks at most. This means I get to catch up on quiet time and writing. Blogs.  I love them, but man, are they distracting!   

       5.  Wall Art.  I can't wait to hammer nails into walls.  Don’t think I’ve ever done it in our own home. I’m looking forward to hanging photos of our wedding day and all matter of pretty prints and some such I find.

Cosy dining room
       6 .  Close to home.  We’re literally a stone’s throw away from my mom and my sister’s place.  So while we don’t get the cigarette smoke we still have easy access to the droolsome cooking. Spoilt? Me? Never!

       7.  Bike. There’s a handy little area just outside our front door where I can     lock up the bike.  Instead of leaving it all the way down in my parents’ garage. 6 floors down and all on its lonesome.

Cosy bedroom

      8.  Food.  The grocery store it’s right round the corner.  And it’s one of those nifty ones where you can find stuff you can’t anywhere else.  Like marmite and cheddar cheese!  We’ll never go hungry.

      9.  Space, Part 2.  And by this I mean storage space.  There’s lots of it. And thank goodness for that, cos we have LOTS of stuff to fill it with.  Nothing like a clutter-free house.

  10. Cats.  So many of them walking around, protecting the house, doing cat-things.  I’m   more of a dog person myself but it’s still somewhat nice to be surrounded by furry animals all day long. 

       It really isn't much to look at right now, but with a bit of TLC we'll get there! 


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