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Pink on Pink

Back in June, VINTA designed and catered for a beautiful baby girl baptism at the golf course in Glyfada. I just jumped at the chance to photograph it and take some video which you can see above.

We served pink lemonade and delicious strawberry chocolate mousses. It was a beautiful day for a beautiful girl.

All photos and video taken by me. Song is 'Paradise' by Coldplay.


Antonis Tritsis Park

A few weekends before James was born, we were stuck for ideas on what to do on a gorgeous day in Athens with a toddler. Museums, planetariums and amusement parks were out of the question as Henry's still too young to really appreciate them (and stay entertained!) and while the zoo had been a big hit, we had gone quite recently.

I knew our requirements: sun, shade and a big field for Henry to play football in. We had visited quite a few parks on our location scout for the short film Hubby and I are in the process of finishing and one of our favourites was the Antonis Tritsis Park in Ilion.

The park had everything we wanted: wilderness, a large pond with ducks and turtles (which Henry loved), canteens scattered around for easy access to snacks and water, an environmental education centre, a mysterious abandoned railway track, picnic tables, lots of trees and an unexpected reggae festival. It was so fun to bop around to Bob Marley with Henry, the sun shining and a beer in hand (well, Matt's hand!).

On the weekends they also hold an organic fruit and veg market where you'll also find locally produced honey and other bits and pieces. 

The park is definitely worth a visit for a chance to get away from the hubbub of the city and suburbs -- and it's great for small and older kids alike. We'll definitely be going back with our new addition!

All photos taken with my iPhone and edited with the Afterlight app.

Do you have any recommendations for Athenian excursions?


Summer Days

Last week was one of those weeks where you think "this is what life is all about". Hubby's parents were over from the UK to meet their new grandson who was only days old. We spent our days up on the pool terrace having BBQs, going to the zoo, taking walks through the town and having lovely lunches in the sunshine. This is what life, and summer, is all about.

James turned three weeks old yesterday and he's been a wonder baby so far. We've hardly heard him cry and he sleeps for up to 5 hours straight at night -- and during the day! He's a hearty eater (I'm breastfeeding) and he's gaining weight like a pro. I could not love my little beans any more than I do!

Looking forward to more summer days -- and finally properly taking Henry to the beach!